21 local governments
1. full right of the local community to decide on all local rights independently,
2. building a local community of solidarity and openness, counteracting exclusion,
3. transformation of the Polish Senate into a local government chamber,
4. The right of the local community to decide on the future of their small homeland – the abolition of the top-down limitation of tenure,
5. The obligation to consult representatives of local government and the local community on all draft laws,
6 Increasing expenditure on education, decent salaries of teachers,
7. an independent culture involving local communities,
8 Decentralisation of health care,
9. Effective environmental protection, combating smog. Increasing the share of municipalities in the receipts from environmental charges,
10. protection of the landscape and public space,
11. development of municipal and social housing,
12 Local authorities’ independence in terms of local taxes and economic activity,
13. The funds from the state budget must be adequate to the scope of tasks performed by local governments,
14. decentralisation of the distribution of EU funds,
15. the transfer to local communities of public property currently held by state agencies,
16. freedom to create metropolitan associations and functional areas,
17. Liquidation of the governor’s office. Leaving the central authority to supervise the legality of the operation of local government units,
18. the authority of poviats and voivodship self-governments over the combined services,
19. Depoliticisation of public media,
20. municipal police, Restoration of the civil service.
Sprawdź Więcej