Miasteczko Wolność & Anioły Irokeza Oświecenia

Kochana Polsko
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To właśnie UŚMIECH powinien być głównym
Hasłem Wyborczym 2023!
Szczęście jest marzeniem każdego z nas.
Ma ZAWSZE uśmiechniętą buzię.

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You Support the Activity of the Enlightened Minds of Humanity

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Od 8 już lat, Miasteczko Wolność wraz z Aniołami Irokeza Oświecenia

Walczą Aktywnie na Ulicach Polskich Miast o Podstawowe Prawa Obywatelskie.

Za WSPARCIE Naszych Inicjatyw

Serdecznie Dziękujemy!

Więcej Środków = Większa Mobilizacja = Większa Szansa na Pokonanie PIS

Na Ratunek

Aktywiści Miasteczka Wolności oraz Anioły Irokeza Oświecenia
Pod Pomnikiem Smoleńskim

To the rescue of the Direct Democracy!

In 2019 we are living in the clutches of another Emperor of the Anti-Evolutionary Only-Just Identity

Star Wars King of Poland – Na Ratunek Demokracji!

Obecny Konflikt Społeczny w naszej Ojczyźnie można porównać do kosmicznego chaosu w jakiejś Czasoprzestrzeni – to bardzo przypomina Epizody z filmu Star Wars.

For 100 years, we have been doing everything in the “Same Central-Like” manner. On one occasion, we stand on our feet, on the other – on our heads. We are stuck in the vicious circle, doing the same thing over and over again.

Every four years, the Centralized System regularly demolishes the provisional foundations of the former central government, so as to once again be able to experiment on its ruins – all this, of course, at the expense of 40 millions of tiny beating hearts.

Direct Democracy
Unity in Diversity

The Direct Democracy! It is a total of social activities undertaken in the Social Spacetime that is free from the central control of the state, where “Each Act”, whether central or local, may be subjected to a non-threshold and binding referendum.

To the rescue of the Direct Democracy!

Who are you?

We are a group of 5 positively motivated people who in 2015 brought to life a peaceful project under the name of “Anioły Irokeza Oświecenia”.

Enlightenment is the wisdom of the common sense of the populace of self-governed civil society, which inspires human resources of active goodness.

When it comes to the Direct Democracy, it is precisely the enlightened and active Citizen who co-decides on the efficient operation of his Small Local Homeland – unity in diversity is his strength.

What do you want to do?

In our Homeland, we have been dealing with the Central Authority for 100 years now. It was not until 1989 that we additionally began learning how to live in the “Pseudodemocracy”, which in 2015 was yet again imprisoned by the subsequent Central Authority.

In 2019, we are living in the clutches of another Emperor of the Anti-Evolutionary Only-Just Identity.

And you can tell! In our Polish, 100-year-old Independent History, no one has thus far offered us a System of Direct Democracy – the Permanent Foundation of the Civil Society.

Our Young Civil Society has once again been centralized, we are experiencing yet another drama, but we have no effective tools allowing us to defend the Democratic Peace in our self-governments – we are ever more threatened by an outbreak of even a “civil war”.

That is why the Anioły Irokeza Oświecenia wish to introduce the System of Direct Democracy in our Homeland, which would effectively protect us against future social conflicts.

Why do you want to do it?

For 100 years, we have been doing everything in the “Same Central-Like” manner. On one occasion, we stand on our feet, on the other – on our heads. We are stuck in the vicious circle, doing the same thing over and over again.

Every four years, the Centralized System regularly demolishes the provisional foundations of the former central government, so as to once again be able to experiment on its ruins – all this, of course, at the expense of 40 millions of tiny beating hearts.

In order that anything changes for the better, this has to be done differently than has been the case to date, because it is only then that we may at least give ourselves hope that some things will get better! Hope indeed is the Mother of Life.

For hundreds of years, the System of Direct Democracy has served the Civil Society of Switzerland and Liechtenstein perfectly well. We may take advantage of their enlightened experience!

Knowledge devoid of social imagination is the most common cause of human misery.

Here, someone who is testing their views on 40 millions of citizens rather seems to be lacking any Social Imagination whatsoever! And it is this kind of people who rule over us!

A view is not tantamount to experience, not even knowledge!

Why is it worth helping you?

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Our 5-person group of “Anioły Irokeza Oświecenia” has been actively engaged in the Social Spacetime for quite a few years now. We have taken part in numerous social campaigns.

Our latest activity that took place in Brussels celebrated the 15 years of our Homeland being part of the United European Family of Peace. More details can be found at https://irokez.tv

Americans made it to the Moon in a decade. We, the Poles, can certainly provide ourselves and our children with the System of Direct Democracy – we only need to trust each other.

“Super-Wiki-Spider-Man is our latest technological superhero”, all you need to do is to type the “direct democracy” phrase in!

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